Editor:Â Pier ALBRECHT
Transform Magazine nº 8. Dr. Pier (Pierjean) Albrecht . Anti-aging: The Exomask.
By Dr. Pier Albrecht
The art of skin rejuvenation
Our facial skin is a magnificent organ being thick enough to protect our face from a lifetime of sun, wind and rain while in the meanwhile being flexible and delicate enough to express emotions and mimics in the unique way only a human being is able to do. After having undergone the changes of many seasons and the sum of emotions of a full life our skin starts to show the inevitable signs of ageing: Wrinkles, age spots, a thinning of the skin and an overall loss of elasticity.
Not long ago, any correction of these ageing effects was only accessible by more or less invasive plastic surgery procedures. But since a couple of years new treatments called Peelings are available which consist of a chemical or mechanical removal of the upper layers of the skin (Epidermis) followed by an assisted healing phase which allows for a regeneration of a new, immaculate skin.
It is very important to know that the exfoliative effect of a chemical peeling only is responsible for a part of its results, while the other part is the effects in the deeper layer of the skin (Dermis), where a deep chemical peel induces a hypertrophy and a retraction of the elastic fibres which results in the remarkable lifting effect of such a deep chemical peeling. Furthermore this lifting effect can be as well achieved in zones which are difficult to treat with classical surgical face lifting procedures (e.g. the area around the mouth and the lower eye lid area).
There are other peelings available which are targeted only on the exfoliative effect, that means they provide only the removal of old skin cells to enhance the appearance of the skin but have no lifting effect which can remove deeper creases and wrinkles. These superficial or medial depth peelings are for example the Fruit Acids peelings or the glycolic acid peelings which can not be considered as an alternative for surgical lifting procedures.
An alternative to deep chemical peeling is the EXOmask which is only available at a few selected centres in Europe. Based on a special chemical formula which has been developed over 30 years through extensive testing on human tissue samples in the laboratory, EXOmask provides a deep lifting effect on the dermis without any destruction of the underlying pigment cells (Melanocytes), which are responsible for the skin colour and the natural sun protection through the tanning effect. Most of the other deep peelings currently available have an immanent risk of permanent depigmentation of the treated area, which results in an unsatisfying skin colour and the mandatory use of permanent sun protection.
The EXOmask treatment is carried out in only one session, mostly as an out-patient procedure, under local anaesthesia and in some case including a light sedation. After the peeling lotion has been applied, an elastic silicone mask seals the face for 24 hours allowing the solution to penetrate into the deeper part of the skin. This process is painless, the patient can in most cases go home with the mask and sleep normally. After 24 h the mask is removed and a special powder is applied on the skin. This powder enhances the regeneration process and serves as a dressing for 7 days until the new skin has grown completely.
After 7 days the results are instantaneous, the patient has a smooth and spotless skin and the lifting effect through the skin retraction is completed. Due to the ongoing regeneration process of the deep elastic fibres the new skin is widely vascularized and therefore shows a redness which will slowly fade during the next 8-10 weeks but can be covered up completely with make up.
In conclusion the EXOmask peeling is an attractive alternative for patients who have an overall ageing of the facial skin and want effective facial rejuvenation without undergoing classical surgery procedures.
The EXOmask treatment is carried out in only one session, mostly as an out-patient procedure, under local anaesthesia and in some case including a light sedation.
Dr. Pierjean Albrecht, is a Consultant Surgeon, specialising in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, registered at the General Medical Council of Malaga (Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Medicos de Malaga) under number 2929/07945. Dr. Pierjean Albrecht was trained in France in the Medical Schools of the Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg, Montpellier I, and in Spain in the Department of Surgery of the Medical School of Salamanca University .
Dr. Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht is also an Expert Witness to the Court.
Dr. Pierjean Albrecht dedicated a special attention to Rhinoplasty (nose surgery) in Guadalajara-Mexico with reknowned Professor Armando Romero Gonzalez .
After Pierjean Albrecht has been awarded a specialized studies title in “Advanced Surgery†by the Department of Surgery of the Salamanca University , he published his clinical  research Thesis : “Lasers in Cutaneous Therapy and Plastic Aesthetic Surgeryâ€.
Dr. Pierjean Albrecht has been then awarded the title “Doctor in Medicine and Surgery†– Cum Laude – by the same University, which allows him to teach and to carry out research programs.
Dr. Pierjean Albrecht was awarded the Postgraduate university title  â€Lasers ……and Plastic Surgery†from the Specialties Department of the  Medical School of the RENE DESCARTES Paris V University  .
Dr. Pierjean (Pier) Albrecht has published numerous articles about Plastic Surgery and about the relationship between anti-aging, antioxidants and the immune system, in French and international scientific journals.
Some Scientific Publications :
- Trans-Inferior Orbital Rim Anchorage and Fascia Roll Multi-LoopTemporal Anchorage in Midface Rejuvenation.Pierjean Albrecht. Aesthetic Surgery Journal  2006.
- Alloplastic Malar Implants for Aesthtetic Purposes in zone 1. The transconjunctival route.Carnet de resumé. Pierjean Albrecht. SOFCPRE 2002.
- “Closed Blepharoplasty, the U suture before incisionâ€Â . Pierjean Albrecht. Carnet de resumé. Congress of the SOFCPRE , the French Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: . 2002.
- Comparative use of Lasers in Cutaneous Therapy and Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery, .Pierjean Albrecht .Thesis. Dococtorate.Salamanca University, . 2001.
- Gliadin Films. I : Preparation in vitro evaluation as a carrier for controlled drug release.Pierjean Albrecht. co.author in Internationnal Journal of Pharmaceutics. 117 – 121 .1995. Elsevier.
- Mise en évidence des propriétés antioxydantes d’un L. M.F. dans des dermocosmétiques . Pierjean Albrecht. co-author in Journal.de Pharm.Clinique. 1995.
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  Dr. Pierjean Albrecht participated in workshops, conferences and congresses about Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery, health, anti-aging, Lasers,  in Europe, Canada and the Middle East:
Comunications in Congresses, in the faculty:
- “Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the eyes and of the lookâ€Â .Pierjean Albrecht. Plastic Surgery Symposium. Birkenwerder- Berlin. 2004.
- Anti-ageing World Conference. Paris. 2003
- “Closed Blepharoplasty, the U suture before incisionâ€Â . Pierjean Albrecht. Congress of the SOFCPRE , the French Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: . 2002.
- “Alloplastic Malar Implants for Aesthtetic purposes in zone 1. The transconjunctival routeâ€. Pierjean Albrecht. Congress of the SOFCPRE , the French Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: 2002.
- Alloplastic Malar Implants for Aesthtetic purposes in zone 1. The transconjunctival route. Pierjean AlbrechtIMCAS. Paris 2002
- Facial Plastic Aesthetic Surgery and with Lasers. Pierjean Albrecht  Guadalajara Medicla School. Mexico. 2001
- Utilisation des immuncomplexes dans le vieillissement de la peau. Pierjean Albrecht .Congrès de la Société de Medecine Estétique e de Rio De Janeiro, Brésil 1994
- Intérêt du L.M.F en clinique. Pierjean Albrecht . Salon de Dermatologie Pratique.Paris 1995
-Dr. Pierjean Albrecht was appointed an Invited. Profesor for †Facial Plastic Surgery and with Laser†in the E.N.T. Specialists Academic Program in the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara in Mexico.
-Dr. Pierjean Albrecht was an Adviser for The Laser Clinic , Harley Street – London.
Editorial: Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,
Dr. Pier Jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre F. Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Frank Albrecht,
Dr. P. Frank Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic
Prof. Dr.D.Fransisco Javier Garcia Criado, Professor of Surgery and Secretary, Department of Surgery at the University of SalamancaÂ
SECOND: That Mr Albrecht Pierjean registered in the Ph.D. program, “Advanced Surgeryâ€, developed by the Department of Surgery at the Salamanca University , during the years 1998-2000, the program coordinator being Profesor Francisco Javier Garcia Criado, the tutor being  Prof. Emiliano Galila Hernandez, and the Director of his thesis project being Profesor.Agustin Alvarez del Canizo. Once assessed the Curriculum Vitae of Mr Pierjean Albrecht , in which are, inter alia, certificates concerning his clinical training in various specialty surgical centers from 1986, his research activity reflected in communications to scientific meetings and publications in major prestige scientific journals  in 1995, and his complementary training by attending specialized courses between 1994 and 1998, we conclude that D. Pierjean Albrecht   thad reached undoubtedly a very high qualification in the field of Plastic Surgery and of research in his medical specialty.
THIRD: That during the two years indicated,  Mr Albrecht Pierjean obtained the required 32 credits (320 hours) with 12 “very goodâ€, 4 “good†and 1 “Approvedâ€, showing at each moment a very high level of knowledge in theory and practice as clinical as well as in research.
Made for legal statement, and at the request of the interested, we sign in Salamanca, the ninth day of March 2009
Editorial: Dr. Pierjean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre jean Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Albrecht,
Dr. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic
Tags: marbella clinic, pierjean albrecht, pierre jean albrecht, pier albrecht, pierre albrecht
Pierjean Albrecht: congres in Rio de Janeiro
Pierjean Albrecht on bigsight.org:
Pierjean Albrecht, co.author in Journal de Pharmacie Clinic
Pierjean Albrecht, Doctorate Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery Thesis
Pierjean Albrecht, Brevet Lactoserum multifermenté
Pierjean Albrecht Aesthetic Surgery Journal
Public publication
Transform Magazine, Pierjean Albrecht ed
Pierjean Albrecht: congress in Rio de Janeiro. 1994
Pierjean Albrecht: co-author in publication International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 1995
Pierjean Albrecht: co-author in publication Journal de Pharmacie Clinic. 1995
Pierjean Albrecht, Patent Lactoserum multifermenté. 1995
Pierjean Albrecht, Doctorate Thèsis   of  Plastic-Aesthétic Surgery. 2000
Pierjean Albrecht: National Congress  of the SOFCPRE (French Society for  Plastic Reconstructive and Aestétic Surgery). 2002
Pierjean Albrecht: Â Publication in The Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2006
Pierjean Albrecht: Publication included in the U.S National Library of Medicine. 2006
Dr. Pierjean Albrecht: Â Other publications
Transform Magazine, Pierjean Albrecht editor
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Editorial: M. Pierjean Albrecht, Dr. Pierre jean Albrecht, Dr. Albrecht Pierjean,
M. Pier Albrecht, Dr. Pierre  Albrecht, Dr. Pierjean Frank Albrecht, Marbella Clinic
Tags: marbella clinic, pierjean albrecht, pierre jean albrecht, pier albrecht, pierre albrecht